Funeral Homes and Flowers

Posted on August 2, 2021 by funeralOne under Funeral Home
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Funeral homes in Garyville, LA

Bringing flowers to a funeral is a long-standing tradition that means a lot to most people. However, many people don’t know where to start when it comes to choosing the flowers they should bring to a funeral. Do you know which flowers you should bring to a funeral home in Garyville, LA?

As the thought is what counts, it’s important to learn more about the different kinds of traditional funeral flowers so you can put a bit of thought into your purchase, as each one represents or means something different.

  1. Hydrangeas – While hydrangeas don’t have a known meaning or representation, they are an incredibly beautiful and popular funeral flower. Some people like to think of them as a flower of thanks or understanding as they are easy to maintain and bloom for many years when cared for well.
  2. Lilies – Lilies are the most traditional funeral flower as the signify innocence and peace. Many people believe that lilies help give peace to the soul of the deceased.
  3. Tulips and Daffodils – Both of these sunny spring flowers represent fresh starts and renewals. They are usually sent to bring cheer to someone in grief. Yellow tulips signify cheerfulness while white tulips signify forgiveness.
  4. Roses – Roses have a lot of different meanings depending on their color. For example, pink roses are all about grace, friendly love and appreciation while red roses are for romantic love, courage and respect. Yellow roses, on the other hand, are for friendship.
  5. Mums – Chrysanthemums, or mums, are the exclusive funeral flower in Europe and many parts of Asia as they are believed to represent grief and truth while also the uplifting celebration of the deceased’s life.
  6. Orchids – Orchids signify lasting, eternal love as they live for much longer than the average potted flower.
  7. Carnations – Carnations are a common funeral flower because, like roses, they mean different things based on color. Red carnations mean affection, pink remembrance, and white innocence.funeral home in Garyville, LA

Bringing flowers shows that you care, and that you are thinking about the bereaved in their difficult time. Use your heart when choosing which kind you want to bring, as its really the thought that counts. No matter which you choose, the bereaved will greatly appreciate the sentiment. These are just a few of the many kinds of flowers that are common for funeral homes, so feel free to choose what you feel is best. In most cases, the bereaved won’t have much of a preference over what kind of flowers people bring. After all, they’re going through a loss and will be busy dealing with the ins and outs of the funeral. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put thought or effort into the flowers, especially since it’s the thought that really counts in these kinds of situations.

Flowers and funeral homes have always gone hand in hand. Millet Guidry Funeral Home is here to help if you want more information on funeral flowers or on Garyville, LA funeral homes. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today to learn more about what we can do for you in your time of loss.


funeralOne is a personalization, technology, and consulting company for the funeral care profession. funeralOne's core services include strategic funeral home web site design, personal funeral service consulting, and funeral tribute video software.

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